Why include events in your marketing strategy?

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Instagram and stumbling upon your favorite brand hosting an event or launching a new product? You can’t help but think, “Wow, that looks amazing! It really grabs my attention.” Well, in recent years, events have emerged as a pivotal component of a company’s marketing strategy. From corporate gatherings to product samplings and brand activations, events play a crucial role in engaging consumers and fostering brand loyalty. Even amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic, the events’ industry has demonstrated remarkable resilience, leveraging technology and virtual reality to adapt and thrive. Today, we’re delving into the significance of integrating events into your marketing strategy!

Event Marketing is a dynamic strategy involving direct interaction between brands and their customers at various events. Its focus on memorable experiences that appeal to the senses makes it a powerful tool, especially when integrated into an inbound marketing strategy. Successful events not only create a positive impression at the moment, but also leave a lasting impact on people’s minds and generate a positive return on investment over time (Reid,2024).

Unlike traditional advertising, event Marketing brings together specific groups of people to create personalized experiences that contribute to sales objectives. Whether to increase brand awareness or generate sales opportunities, an effective Event Marketing strategy adds value to attendees beyond promoting products or services, thereby contributing to the success of the sales funnel. Identifying the target audience and tailoring every detail of the event based on their preferences and needs is essential to create a memorable experience that drives successful outcomes for both the brand and attendees.

According to Bizzabo (2022), 72% of event organizers acknowledge the significance of in-person events in their marketing strategies. Events serve as potent drivers for substantial transformations, playing a pivotal role in fostering economic and social progress within the business events’ industry. These gatherings bring together a diverse array of stakeholders, organizations, and individuals from various sectors, promoting vital advancements, innovation, and adaptability in an ever-evolving landscape.

Before the pandemic in 2019, business events contributed over $1.15 trillion in direct spending, supporting 10.9 million jobs globally and generating $662.6 billion in direct GDP. However, the pandemic brought significant challenges, particularly for industries heavily reliant on events for revenue. With two-thirds of global direct business event spending lost in 2020 and a three-year cumulative loss amounting to $1.9 trillion (2020 to 2022), the impact was profound. Nonetheless, there’s optimism as event spending is projected to rebound to 2019 levels this year. 

In addition to rebuilding culture and employee engagement, business events are increasingly recognized for their role in knowledge-sharing, professional development, and community building. Attendees not only contribute to the event itself but also inject cash into local economies by patronizing hotels, restaurants, and businesses, making events a vital investment with tangible returns.

Event Marketer reports that more than 90% of individuals are inclined to purchase a specific product or service following their participation in a brand activation or experience. This statistic gains significance when considering that 91% of people perceive digital advertising as intrusive. Hence, events offer a distinctive avenue to engage with your audience authentically.

However, the benefits of events extend beyond attendees. Effective event planning hinges on team alignment, which can be challenging given differing perspectives from stakeholders such as the CEO, Sales Director, and Product Marketing team. Yet, when these voices unite to shape a cohesive vision for the event, remarkable outcomes can arise. Rather than conflicting viewpoints, this collaboration capitalizes on diverse perspectives to curate an enriching attendee experience.

Returning to the event itself, a well-executed event serves as a potent catalyst for organizational transformation, aligning stakeholders both internally and externally while driving strategic direction and growth. By convening employees, customers, partners, and investors in a shared space, events foster open communication, collaboration, and a collective grasp of the organization’s vision.

So if you are still thinking about it…. Here we share more reasons why an event is something you should add to your marketing strategy!

When you attend Instagram and spot your favorite brand hosting an event or launching a new product, it’s hard not to take notice. These instances, while visually captivating, underscore the growing importance of events in modern marketing strategies. Events, ranging from corporate gatherings to brand activations, have evolved into invaluable tools, even amidst the challenges of the pandemic. They serve as dynamic platforms for direct engagement between brands and consumers, fostering authentic connections and driving significant transformations in the business landscape.

Consider the profound impact events have on both external and internal stakeholders. Externally, events offer a window into the company’s vision, roadmap, and product innovations, instilling trust and often paving the way for fruitful partnerships or investments. Internally, these gatherings provide teams with opportunities to showcase their latest developments, receive valuable client feedback, and gain a deeper understanding of their contributions to the organization’s overarching goals. This exchange of ideas and feedback not only fosters trust and enthusiasm but also ignites innovation, paving the way for strategic initiatives informed by diverse perspectives.

Moreover, events offer a diverse array of formats to cater to various personalities and preferences. Whether it’s a live, virtual, or hybrid event, each type serves a unique purpose, delivering benefits to attendees and businesses alike. Virtual events, for instance, offer unparalleled flexibility and inclusivity, enabling seamless engagement from remote locations and fostering interactive experiences that transcend geographical barriers. Hybrid events, on the other hand, blend the best of both worlds, combining the global reach of virtual gatherings with the energy of live interactions. Meanwhile, in-person events offer endless possibilities for engagement, from customer conferences to roadshows, each tailored to bolster customer relationships, drive sales, or establish industry leadership.

The key to unlocking the full potential of events lies in crafting a well-defined event strategy! A blueprint that guides your team’s efforts and ensures alignment with your business goals. This strategy begins with a clear understanding of why you’re hosting the event, rallying diverse stakeholders around a unified vision, and establishing measurable goals and KPIs. By aligning your event objectives with your broader marketing strategy, you can create a cohesive experience that resonates with your target audience and drives tangible results (Forbes,2024).

Furthermore, events serve as a rich source of content and storytelling opportunities, fueling your marketing efforts long after the event concludes. From live-streamed sessions to user-generated content shared on social media, events generate a wealth of content that can be repurposed across various channels, amplifying your brand message and maintaining audience engagement over time.

In conclusion, events are not just fleeting moments in your marketing calendar; they are strategic investments that yield lasting benefits. By embracing events as integral components of your growth marketing strategy, you can build genuine connections, increase brand visibility, gather valuable insights, and create compelling content that resonates with your audience—ultimately propelling your business forward in an ever-evolving market landscape. At Inmov, we specialize in crafting bespoke events tailored to the unique needs of every brand and industry. With over 23 years of experience in the field, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your vision to life and deliver unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience.