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Why Include Trade Marketing in Your Strategy?

How will consumers know that a product exists that meets their expectations if they have never seen it? That is...

Posted on   July 11, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Augmented Reality in Marketing: Revolutionizing the Customer Experience

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and...

Posted on   June 28, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

The Evolution of Virtual Assistants: From a person to Siri to ChatGPT

Virtual assistants have been a trend in recent years, being Assistant? And also "virtual"? Now this profession has...

Posted on   June 07, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Colombia: The expert country in international events!

Colombia, a nation renowned for its vibrant culture, breathtaking natural beauty, and warm hospitality, has rapidly emerged as...

Posted on   May 31, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Virtual reality in events

Following last week’s theme on virtual reality, today we bring you insights on the use of virtual reality in events. This exciting technology...

Posted on   May 27, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

The Evolution of Virtual Reality and Its Industry Applications

When discussing Virtual Reality (VR), many of us may recall science fiction movies like Harry Potter or Star Wars. However, the truth is that...

Posted on   May 15, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Basic guide for API beginners

Hello, today we come to bring you a guide for dummies on the use of the API, as we have talked about in previous articles, APIs are...

Posted on   May 08, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Why include events in your marketing strategy?

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Instagram and stumbling upon your favorite brand hosting an event or...

Posted on   May 01, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

The impact of artificial intelligence on the financial industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a subject of research, but recent advancements in...

Posted on   April 24, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

The Role of API Integrations in Enhancing Business Efficiency

If you're involved in revenue, marketing, or operations, you've likely noticed an increasing buzz around...

Posted on   April 16, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

THE SOCCER TSUNAMI: Why Agencies Must Ride the Experiential Marketing Wave

Millions of fans, united by their shared passion for soccer, eagerly awaiting the 2024 Copa America and 2026 FIFA World Cup Finals...

Posted on   April 10, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Smart Logistics in Electronic Commerce

Technology plays a crucial role in the industry by optimizing the supply chain, leading to...

Posted on   April 04, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Emerging Technologies Transforming Healthcare

Technology advances every day, and you may wonder how it affects your health. The technological revolution creates...

Posted on   March 27, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Main trends in technological integrations

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are increasingly relying on technological integrations to...

Posted on   March 21, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

How to know if your company needs IT support? Here are 5 signs

The main objective of IT support is to help customers with a company's products or services. It focuses on...

Posted on   March 15, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

The power of big data and AI

Information has become the new currency for companies, organizations, and governments. Through data analysis, it's possible...

Posted on   March 07, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

When is it necessary to request a technological consultancy for your company?

Your company is constantly growing, and you don't know if it is necessary to invest in...

Posted on   February 28, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Your company is using Salesforce, but you don't know how to take advantage of it? We show you how

It is no secret to anyone that every day more companies make use of CRMs as they are...

Posted on   February 21, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Why should you incorporate artificial intelligence into your platforms?

The denomination “artificial intelligence” was first officially used in 1956, but its prevalence has surged in recent times due to...

Posted on   February 14, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

What is the importance of software in the oil industry in 2024?

Despite the intense crisis experienced in 2019 due to the coronavirus, the oil industry has undergone a...

Posted on   February 07, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Web Development Unleashed: Crafting User-Centric Experiences

In the fast-paced digital landscape, the success of websites and applications hinges on more than...

Posted on   January 31, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Transforming Oil and Gas Operations: Inmov North America's Digital Solutions

In the ever-evolving landscape of oil and gas operations, the distinction between upstream and downstream activities plays a...

Posted on   January 17, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Unlocking Tomorrow: Predictive Analytics in Data Science for Business Trends

In the dynamic landscape of business, staying one step ahead is crucial. Discover the transformative influence of...

Posted on   January 10, 2024    by   Juan F Botero

Data Science Unveiled: Revolutionizing Retail Through Consumer-Centric Insights

In today's dynamic retail landscape, data science emerges as a game-changer, providing businesses with powerful tools to...

Posted on   December 28, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Leveraging Predictive Analytics for Strategic Business Insights and Growth

In today's dynamic business landscape, staying ahead requires more than just intuition; it demands predictive analytics. Uncover the...

Posted on   December 20, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Navigating the Ethical Landscape in Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide

In the dynamic realm of data science, the ethical considerations surrounding the collection, processing, and utilization of...

Posted on   December 06, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Unlocking Healthcare Excellence: The Transformative Power of Data Science

In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, leveraging data science is no longer a choice—it's a necessity. In our latest blog, discover...

Posted on   November 29, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Revolutionizing Business Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of Integrated Data and AI Automation

In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead requires embracing transformative technologies. One such powerhouse...

Posted on   November 15, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Unlocking Business Potential: The Power of Data Science

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, the ability to make informed decisions is crucial. This is where data science...

Posted on   November 08, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Digital Evolution: A Mid-Sized Business's Blueprint to Thrive 🚀

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses can't afford to stand still. For medium-sized enterprises, in particular, the call to digitally...

Posted on   October 25, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Overcoming Challenges of Digital Transformation: A Guide to Solutions

In the world of modern business, digital transformation is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. As companies strive...

Posted on   October 11, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

The Future of Business: 70% of Entrepreneurs Embrace Digital Transformation

In the swiftly evolving landscape of the global economy, digital transformation has become more of a necessity...

Posted on   September 27, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Digital Transformation in 2023: The Key for U.S. Companies' Growth

In our modern digital age, the pace of technological evolution is nothing short of breathtaking. U.S. companies, both large and small, are at...

Posted on   September 13, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Exploring Essential Software for Administrative Assistants

As a seasoned guide in the field of technology, Inmov North America is dedicated to providing accurate and relevant information for...

Posted on   September 06, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

The Importance of Administrative Support Software in Business Efficiency

In today's business world, efficiency is key to staying competitive. A crucial element to achieving efficiency is having effective...

Posted on   August 23, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Case study LightRight Cloud: Transforming Operations for a Major North American Service Provider

Case study LightRight Cloud: Transforming Operations for a Major North American Service Provider

Our client, a leading service provider with approximately 45 franchises across North America, was grappling with several...

Posted on   August 16, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.


The world is on the brink of a seismic shift in the realm of application development, a revolution that will reshape how we interact with technology, and it's all thanks to...

Posted on   July 19, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

Power of Large Language Models: A New Frontier for Business Intelligence

As we navigate through the age of artificial intelligence (AI), one of the most promising developments in this field is the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs)...

Posted on   July 05, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

Enhancing Mobile Application Performance with Local AI Models

The landscape of mobile application development is currently undergoing a revolutionary change with the advent of local artificial intelligence (AI) models...

Posted on   June 28, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

The Critical Role of Middleware in Modern Business Integration

In the increasingly interconnected world of modern business, companies utilize a plethora of systems to carry out their operations, ranging from renowned ones...

Posted on   June 21, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

Avoid the extra cost of Tableau creating custom reports in Salesforce using Apex and CSS

An undisclosed client of Inmov North America had implemented Salesforce with the objective of centralizing all the information of the sales...

Posted on   May 11, 2023    by   Juan F Botero

Choose your digital transformation tools wisely

Choose your digital transformation tools wisely.

Technology tools are becoming increasingly important in today's business world. However, not all tools are created equal. It's important...

Posted on   Nov 24, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

Beyond your NetSuite integration

Beyond your NetSuite integration

With NetSuite's seamless integrations with FMS, companies can enjoy the benefits of an improved operations and higher productivity...

Posted on   Oct 24, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

UX and UI in digital transformation

UX and UI in digital transformation

When we refer to a digital transformation project within a company, we refer to new solutions and their development. Generally, the...

Posted on   Sep 16, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

Human side of digital transformation

There is a magical moment when systems come alive; this doesn’t happen when you deploy your software in production. It occurs when the...

Posted on   Sep 13, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

Taking your organization to the next level with the right technology partner

The development of custom software is becoming increasingly important for organizations within the technological change we are...

Posted on   Sep 9, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

The boom of mobile Apps in the software industry.

The boom of mobile Apps in the software industry.

In recent years we have experienced perhaps the most outstanding technological growth of all time worldwide due to the evolution of...

Posted on   Sep 9, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

Five ideas for great software QA

Five ideas for great software QA

In software projects, it is widespread to hear phrases like "It is not likely to be tested because...", "The developer interpreted the...

Posted on   Sep 9, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

People: the main piece for digital transformation.

People: the main piece for digital transformation.

Many doubts and questions appear when you decide to start a digital transformation process at your company. Fake premises, walls, and...

Posted on   Sep 9, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

Myths around digital transformation

Digital transformation is here for good. It stopped being optional for any company to become essential for every company, regardless of...

Posted on   Sep 7, 2022 ​   by   Juan F Botero

Digital Transformation vs Digital modernization

Digital Transformation vs Digital modernization

We have been working under the "Digital Transformation" umbrella for many years now. But this interesting article shows the difference...

Posted on   Jun 17, 2021 ​   by   Juan F Botero

DICE is the most effective Change Management framework

DICE is the most effective Change Management framework

COVID has accelerated digital transformation initiatives for most companies. But introducing new systems and procedures is difficult. ...

Posted on   Jun 1, 2021 ​   by   Juan F Botero

The fourth foundation

The fourth foundation

Software development is a construction process within a technological application, from which different specialties emerge, such as the...

Posted on   May 16, 2021 ​   by   Juan F Botero

We help midsize enterprises to achieve operational agility and flexibility with a proven framework of Digital Transformation Success.

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